Where has the time gone??!!
We're (finally) preparing for our show for the 2017 Yule season. Since Thanksgiving is early this year, we'll not begin our show until the following week. Here is our expected schedule:
First show: Friday, December 1, 2017. We'll run weekends, (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) through Sunday, December 10, 2017. We'll run continuously beginning Friday, December 15, 2017 through New Year's Day, January 1, 2018.
Our plan is to begin our shows about 5:30PM every day and run through about 9:00PM. We'll run later if an audience has assembled and its likely we'll run later on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
If anyone would like a special show, just drop us an e-Mail at the address shown here on our blog.
Happy Holidays!!
Ken and Cora